Friday, May 16, 2008

A Wake-Up Call

Last night, on ABC's Nightline, they featured a family in Pasadena, CA that caught my attention. The actual broadcast is not up on Youtube yet, but several other of the Dervaes' family's videos are. This is my favorite:

This is truly one of the most inspiring videos I have ever seen. I find myself slowly evolving into a more environmentally-conscious person, and I am learning new things every day... things I hope will make a difference. I can't help but be a bit disgusted with myself though, for not realizing all these things sooner. I, like many other people, had literally put my life in the hands of the US Government, big corporations, and many other money-hungry entities that really are not concerned about me or my family. We have to look after ourselves, because no one else will.

The skyrocketing prices of fuel (and thus, everything else) lately has been a real wake up call for some of us, and I sincerely hope the message is getting through to people that we CAN make a difference. We can't leave these issues for future generations to deal with; we have to start today.

I know a lot of people sit and think, "How can some little thing I do make a difference?" Trust me, that crosses my mind too. Sometimes I think, "What harm will it do to go ahead and buy the incandescent bulbs as opposed to the CFLs? They are already there, on the shelf... I am not hurting anything, really..." The answer, of course, is supply and demand. If we don't buy the product, eventually there isn't a need to produce the product. It can be a long process, but every little bit helps.

Preserving our World should be a huge priority for people. If we don't take care of her, she won't take care of us. It just takes baby steps, something we are ALL capable of.

And, besides...

Where else are you going to live?