Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What am I doing??

I have been quite the busy little bee these past few days. I have no clue what has gotten into me, but I decided to break away from my previous blog home, which my brother so graciously allowed me to use, to try doing something on my own. I'll be transplanting my past blogs here, because I am sure you are just bursting at the seams to read all about my fantastic life. *cough*

So, yeah, I have been so motivated today... I think it is the vitamins. I have been taking them for 3 whole days, and today I actually got some things accomplished. Like printing out this cute abstract design on cardstock so that I can color it with gel pens. OMG, you just don't even know. Gel pens are the best inventions ever! It's like when you are a little kid, and you have this coloring book, and you get told not to color in it with markers, but you are thinking you can somehow get away with doing it and that it somehow won't bleed through and ruin the whole damned book... but the markers are so much more bold and way more fun to use than crayons. And it was always okay for YOU to ruin your own coloring book with markers, but all hell broke loose if one of your friends did it. That kind of thing really screws you up, and it stays with you throughout your life. Kinda like that damned kid in Kindergarten who borrowed your brown crayon after you tried and tried to deny his request because you didn't want your colors broken. So, you cave, and what does the little bastard do right off the bat? Yes Chris... wherever you are: I am still pissed off!

Umm.. anyway. That was so much cheaper than therapy. And I just realized that I went off on a total tangent and didn't even get in my point about the gel pens. Geez. They are great, mmkay? That's all I am saying.

Seriously now... what have I been up to today? Well, I paid for the charter information for my Spiral Scouts Hearth! Oh, I am sooo excited! If you don't know what I am talking about, check out their site. It is like a non-discriminatory version of Boy/Girl Scouts. Now, before you go jumping all in my ass about that remark, let me say this: My husband and I were involved in our local Pack for several years, both on a pack and district level. We are well aware of the goings-on of the BSA, and we made the informed decision to no longer be a part of the mudslinging and slander that was happening on the Council level. As a dear friend of mine has quoted: "I don't discuss religion or politics with people that I enjoy", and I did enjoy the presence of my fellow pack members at the time.

I also dealt with six loads of laundry today. Don't faint just yet... they were all clean clothes. They just kind of got pushed aside and ignored for awhile. But I decided that today I would conquer that little mountain, and I did it!! Well, most of it, anyway. I cannot begin to describe how much I LOATHE matching up socks. I did, however, throw all of hubby's socks in one basket, all of mine in another basket, and fold and put away all of kidlet's socks. So it wasn't a total bomb. The real test, though, is to see how long those two baskets of socks sit there untouched.

I'll keep you posted, maybe.