Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

All the flowers? They are probably in a landfill somewhere, and they aren't coming back, because they weren't composted. And the non-existent compost wasn't used to enrich the soil to grow new flowers.

Call me naive, but if there is a solution to a problem, why not use it? I've been broadening my horizons lately, and learning new things. I've been reading about things that I had never even heard of previously, and realizing things that had never occurred to me before. Case in point:

This man has researched and tested these theories, and he is obviously onto something. If we can efficiently solve some of the world's problems with something so simple as mushrooms, why isn't the government backing his works 100%?

The more I read and hear about things, the more apprehensive I am about placing my life, and the lives of my loved ones, into the hands of the US government. All this time, I thought of the government as a parent: some-one/thing that is watching out for all of us. (there is that naive streak rearing it's head again) The conclusion I am coming to, though, is that the government as a whole is not interested so much in the well-being of the Earth or Her inhabitants so much as they are concerned with bullshit politics and making a quick buck.

And I am referring to all levels of government when I say this.

I have a cousin that is 16 years old. He went to a city meeting to propose a recycling program within his high school. The response he got was negative, because the school district would make no profit from it. WHAT THE HELL??? Never mind that hundreds of aluminum cans are being tossed in the trash every day at this school, along with plastic water bottles, various packaging for food, and all the paper that is thrown into the garbage cans.... Just think about how much garbage a high school generates on a daily basis? Why does the profit have to be monetary? How about the concept that recycling all that trash might buy our planet a longer life?

I am thoroughly disgusted with all the dumbass, non-caring people in this world. I don't really see why it is fair for "those people" to be able to make the decision to destroy MY home. Because that is what it all boils down to. We share the Earth, and we should all willingly take care of it.

I am obviously far too emotional to be blogging right now, so I will walk away from this for the time being. But I still think it would be a good idea to make recycling mandatory and anyone caught "breaking the law" should be punished. *sigh* Another thing to add to the To-Do List for when I am queen of the world, right?